The Play-friendly School Label follows a simple process to enable schools to evaluate their work against five quality criteria.
Each criterion has:
a rationale based in scientific research
indicators and guidance
suggestions for evidence of how your school meets the criterion
Work towards evaluating your school against the criteria is led by staff with input from pupils and the wider community. The website provides free resources on line to help your school progress to the internationally recognised Play-friendly label. In addition, there will be training available in European countries that undertake the work.
Along the way, your school can achieve a Bronze level, Silver level followed by a Gold level through self-assessment. This provides recognition of the work your school has done towards the Play-friendly School Label.
BRONZE: Getting started - we want to become a play-friendly school and we are showing a commitment to this by looking at where we are now
SILVER: Working towards - we have begun to take action towards fully meeting the criteria
GOLD: Review and development - we have fully met the criteria to be a play-friendly school, but are still committed to review and further development