The Research
During the year one each partner country (Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia) took part in field and desk research to help inform and develop their individual National Adaptation Plans (Intellectual Output 1).
Desk and field research for the National Adaption Plans were informed by different sources of information:
The starting point was a desk research in all partner Countries to understand the national school system, stakeholders, and relevant influence factors.
In February 2018, there was a study visit to the UK, to learn from the OPAL (Outdoor Play and Learning) Programme, which is a mentor supported school improvement programme and to visit Playwork Projects in the South of England.
Following to that, some field research was carried out in each partner country. This contained around 10 interviews with a semi-structured questionnaire or some focus groups to discuss the issue and possible implementation of play friendly schools in partner countries.
Finally, all partner countries developed National Adaption Plans to specify their respective strategy to reach the aim of the project.
This research concluded with the following documents being published:
National Desk Research
National Field Research
National Adaptation Plans ​​
National Adaptation Plans can be viewed in national languages via their own country page
Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, UK.