Written by Rogers Foundation for Person-Centred Education
At Rogers our team organized an event for 36 people at the ELTE University in Budapest on 30.10.2018. 10:00-14:00. The event was about the CAPS (Children's Access to Play in Schools) project’s Play-friendly Schools quality criterium system.
We started the event with an overall lecture about play, and the importance of play. Visitors were asked to imagine their own childhood play memories. Then we moved forward and talked about our experiences about the study visit we (Rogers Advisory Committee) experienced in England. Before the lunch break we introduced our national adaptation plan: how we are going to implement our play strategy on both local and national levels.
After the break we used a world cafe method to discuss the criterium system further. The participants were divided 5 groups with 10 minutes to discuss each criteria before passing on to the next group. After this the persons who were responsible at the tables made a short summary about the ideas and issues raised.
Participants engaged in the event and have taken lots away with them to think about!